Thursday, October 7, 2010

For the LOVE of Blankets

We received some wonderful gifts from tons of people with the birth of Gillian. I was amazed, however, at how the new baby seemed to bring out the creativity in everyone around me. Who knew my family and friends were so talented? A lot of the craftiness seemed to take the shape of blankets. Gillian received some of the most beautiful blankets I have ever seen..

She has knitted blankets (this one is from my friend Liz):

(this one is from my Aunt Pris):

She has crocheted blankets (this one is from Rusty's Aunty Becky):

And she has quilted blankets (this one is from Rusty's sister Betsy, Aunt B):

(this one is from Aunt Pris):

Blankets have always been a personal favorite of mine. The afghan my mom made me when I went to college is constantly fought over whenever a movie is watched in our house. And when I was a baby/child/adult I loved my blankie "OWIE." I carried Owie everywhere. He (yes, it was a he) lovingly got his name because whenever I got hurt (aka - an owie) I needed my blanket. Laura used bandaids to cure everything, I used my blanket. If things were really bad, my dad would rub the corner of Owie on my nose, and somehow everything was better. Owie is still around, and Gillian is even getting to use him.

But, of course, thanks to the super talented Rozzy Baby - Gillian has her own Owie too.

Too add to the special collection of blankets, my mom saved some blankets that my Grandma Arlie made for me when I was a baby. My Grandma passed away several years ago, so Gillian will never get to meet her on this earth, but she will be literally wrapped in her love.

I can only hope that Gillian appreciates all the love that family and friends have shown her already. And, I truly hope she enjoys snuggling in blankets, because since her mom loves it, she's not going to have much of a choice for a while.


  1. I love all the pictures of Gillian and her/your blankets! She certainly is wrapped in love!!
